Is AC Supercooling Real or a Myth?
September 13, 2017 1:58 pm Leave your thoughtsKeeping your home cool is likely one of your primary goals during the summer. But when it really heats up outside, your energy costs can wind up being a whole lot greater than you planned for. There is the idea that you can save on your cooling costs by employing the concept of AC supercooling in your home. This low energy-use trend can help you achieve maximum energy savings while keeping you comfortable all summer long.
The concept of AC supercooling
The idea behind AC supercooling is that you will literally chill everything in your home with your home air conditioning in Fair Oaks, CA so that it stays cool even when you raise the temperature on your thermostat. It uses less energy because you are “supercooling” you home during off-peak hours, when energy is the cheapest.
To implement this technique, you need to first get in touch with your electric company to enroll in an energy savings program that will give you the lowest rates during specific times of the day. This is when you will use the majority of your electricity, as you will have the lowest rate possible during these times. Typically, these usage times are from early evening to noon the next day or later, which should give you plenty of time to chill your home.
Once you have entered the off-peak usage time, you will want to set your home air conditioning in Fair Oaks, CA to a temperature between 68 and 74 degrees. This will provide the chill you are looking for to cool walls, furniture and all the other items in your home. You will need to keep you home at this temperature for the full off-peak usage time, which may require you to put a sweater on if you’re going to be home during the day. Don’t give in to the temptation to raise the temperature for your comfort, as you’ll need this lower temperature to help maintain a cool level in your home for the rest of the day.
Keeping comfortable after the chill period
Once your off-peak hours have ended, you will want to increase your home’s temperature to 78 to 80 degrees, whichever is more comfortable for you. The concept here is that, because you used AC supercooling, your home should be chilled through and will be able to keep cool even at the higher temperature at which you’ve set your thermostat.
Because you used the majority of your energy during off-peak times, it will wind up costing you less to keep your home cooler. Your goal is to have 90 percent of your energy use taking place during off-peak times, when rates are the lowest. (An 80:20 ratio is also good.)
Deciding whether AC supercooling is right for you may take some practice and getting used to. You could benefit from reduced energy usage with your home air conditioning in Fair Oaks, CA and save month-to-month by employing this strategy. For more information about heating and cooling, contact Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service. We are a family-owned and operated HVAC company that you can trust to care for your air conditioner, furnace or heat pump.
Categorised in: Home Air Conditioning
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