Why Fall Is the Best Time for AC Maintenance in Fair Oaks, CA

September 27, 2019 12:09 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Routine air conditioner maintenance performed by a professional technician is important to ensure your system is functioning properly and free of problems. Upon request, a trained HVAC technician will come inspect, test, clean, lubricate and adjust your home’s cooling equipment. Homeowners who have signed up for an HVAC maintenance plan can expect two tune-ups a year: one for the air conditioner and another for the heater.

Spring is often thought to be the ideal time for an AC tune-up, but it’s usually smarter for homeowners to wait until the cooler fall months to schedule this service. Below are several reasons why fall is the best time to schedule AC maintenance in Fair Oaks, CA:

  • Improve energy efficiency: Long, hot California summers will have home and business air conditioners working hard all season long. When your cooling system doesn’t get many breaks, the chances for wear and breakdowns increase. In addition to regular AC use in the summer, many people living in warm or humid parts of the state will actually run their air conditioners through early to mid-fall. So, no matter if it’s already fall or not, an AC check will improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC system.
  • Better indoor air quality: A professional air conditioner tune-up includes cleaning the components of the cooling system. When components like the shared HVAC blower and air filters are clean, you’re sure to experience much improved indoor air quality. This means a healthier living environment to live in and a longer lasting cooling system.
  • Avoid costly repairs: When you hire an HVAC technician for an AC tune-up, they can determine the condition of parts. This gives you the opportunity to replace a weakened part now rather than waiting for a catastrophic system breakdown. A well-maintained air conditioning system will have less strain put on it, even when used frequently. Regularly maintained parts go through less wear and tear, meaning your AC system is less likely to malfunction or break down. This helps you avoid AC downtime and expensive repairs.
  • Open service calendar: Traditionally, fall is the offseason for air conditioner technicians, and a huge benefit of offseason service is that you get your choice of appointment times. If you think about it, most homeowners call HVAC companies in the fall to schedule appointments for heater maintenance and tune-ups, making it the perfect time to schedule your AC check.
  • Best prices: Because of the lower demand for air conditioning system service in the fall, some HVAC companies may offer special pricing and extra savings to their customers. This is the time to schedule a maintenance appointment—even if your system doesn’t seem to need one quite yet—and you could save money in the event that you need to repair or replace your system during the offseason.

Although fall is a good time for AC maintenance in Fair Oaks, CA, all HVAC specialists want is for their customers to schedule it once a year when it’s convenient, and to call for help anytime there’s a problem. Call Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service this fall to schedule AC maintenance!

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