Tips on Using Your Ceiling Fans When It’s the Only Option
January 28, 2021 5:51 am Leave your thoughtsEveryone knows a ceiling fan will help cool down a stuffy, hot room in the summer. But what many don’t realize is that fans can also heat your living space in the winter, and it all depends on the ceiling fan direction. Check out these tips for how to get the most out of your Fair Oaks, CA home’s central HVAC unit by choosing the best ceiling fan direction for each season.
Change settings based on the season
As you already know, ceiling fans come in handy during the hot months. But contrary to popular belief, fans don’t actually lower the temperature. They circulate the cold air that comes from your AC unit, but can also be used to cool down a room on their own. The angled blades on a ceiling fan direct a current downward because cool air tends to settle along the floor. Cool air travels up to the ceiling, which means you’re more likely to feel it.
What many people don’t know is that ceiling fans can also keep you warm in the winter. They kick up the cold air and evenly distribute it around the room, eliminating drafts and cold spots. Hot air gets moved around, too—when cold air travels up, the hotter air is forced downward to where you’ll feel it the most. To achieve this effect, set your fan on its lowest setting to gently mix the hot and cool air together.
Switch the ceiling fan direction
A little-known secret about the blades of a ceiling fan is that they can switch directions. Turns out, the ceiling fan direction makes a world of difference! Homeowners should make sure their ceiling fans turn in a counterclockwise motion during the summer. This is the best ceiling fan direction in the hot months in Fair Oaks, CA because it’s designed to shoot currents towards the floor and push cold air throughout the room.
Fans are intended to work differently in the winter. If you want to warm up your living space, the best ceiling fan direction is clockwise. This setting reverses the airflow to optimize the circulation of warmer temperatures. You can switch the blades’ direction either with the wall panel or by pressing a button on the fan motor.
Turn off when you leave the room
No matter the time of year, turn off ceiling fans when you leave a room to save money on your electricity bill. It’s important to remember that fans don’t change the actual temperature. They circulate air to create a more comfortable atmosphere, which means they won’t do you any good if you’re not in the room. Ceiling fans are energy efficient in moderate climates because you can get away with keeping the AC unit off. Plus, fans run only in the rooms where you need them.
Ceiling fans are often a last-ditch effort when your AC unit in Fair Oaks, CA goes out of commission. While they improve the comfort of living spaces to some extent, fans offer little reprieve from the oppressive heat of summer. Call the HVAC contractors at Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service for AC unit repairs or your annual maintenance checkup.
Categorised in: Home Air Conditioning
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