Try These Seven Natural Cooling Tips If Your AC Goes Out

July 27, 2018 4:22 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Is your home air conditioner out of commission? Don’t sweat your way through the hot summer days—here are seven simple ways to stay cool until a technician can come to provide AC repair in Fair Oaks, CA:

  • Close the curtains: You may not know it, but a good amount of heat can enter your home through window glass. Whether your AC is not working or you want to save energy by using your HVAC system a little less, an easy way to keep the heat out is to close the curtains (or blinds, drapes or shutters) during the day. You might also consider investing in blackout curtains, which are designed specifically for blocking sunlight. They naturally insulate a space, and some can even block out noise.
  • Use a fan and ice: If you have a large portable fan, a bowl and some ice, try this cooling hack! Fill the bowl with ice or ice packs. Position the bowl at an angle in front of the fan so it sends air whipping off the ice, giving off a sea breeze-like chilly mist.
  • Adjust ceiling fans: Use ceiling fans, just as long as they are set to rotate counter-clockwise. If you didn’t know that ceiling fans need to be adjusted seasonally, you’re not alone—check that your fans are adjusted to spin counter-clockwise and set it to a high speed. The airflow creates a pleasant wind chill effect that will cool you down in no time.
  • Let in fresh night air: Hot summer days sometimes mean cool summer nights. If temperatures drop during the night where you live, crack the windows in your house before bedtime to create a cross-breeze—fans can enhance this effect. Remember to close the windows before the heat arrives the next day.
  • Change to summer sheets: Swapping out your sheets during the summer months is an easy way to stay cool. Put your heavy flannel sheets and warm fleece blankets in the closet, and opt for cotton sheets in the summer. Cotton is breathable and stays cooler than most other kinds of materials. Additionally, take a look at your covers. Ditch that thick blanket and throw a light one on the bed, or remove the comforter from the duvet and cuddle with just the duvet cover.
  • Cook outside: Summertime is prime outdoor grilling time—especially if your AC is out. What we’re saying is that you should avoid cooking inside as much as possible when your AC is acting up, but this is also a good plan more generally during the hot summer months. Think about it—if it’s already hot inside your house, turning on the oven to 400 degrees is only going to make the situation worse!
  • Keep your body cool: Instead of focusing on the warm temperatures inside your house, pay attention to how your body feels. Keep cool by sipping cold water and beverages and eating water-heavy foods like watermelon and cucumbers. Applying a cold cloth or an ice pack wrapped in a towel to your neck, wrists or feet can also help to cool down your body.

If you need AC repair in Fair Oaks, CA this summer, call Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service. We’re here to help!

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