What You Should Know About Gas Water Heaters

March 12, 2020 7:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you noticing that your water heater seems to be supplying less and less heat with each passing day? Has it been a decade or more since your water heater was replaced? You could be in the market for a new way to warm your water. Of course, that decision is easy to make, but tough to follow through on. After all, once you start shopping, the sheer number of options at your fingertips can be daunting. When considering a water heater replacement, some of the most popular local options are the variety of gas water heaters in Fair Oaks, CA.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your search or you’re beginning to feel the fatigue, a gas water heater may be just the right thing to suit your needs.

What is a gas water heater?

In theory, the function of a gas water heater is simple. The tank-based gas water heater works by keeping a select amount of hot water stored in a tank to be used whenever it’s needed. Cold water enters the tank at the bottom, where it’s heated via a gas burner. As the cold water is heated, it rises to the top of the tank, where it can be sent to the various hot water outlets (faucets, showerheads, your dishwasher, your washing machine, etc.) throughout your home.

Modern gas water heaters in Fair Oaks, CA include thermostats that maintain water temperature by turning the gas burner off and on automatically.

You want hot water now? You got it

One of the primary benefits of a gas water heater is its ability to supply hot water almost whenever you need it. When you’re working with a tank gas water heater, there’s a finite supply of hot water, just as there is with an electric heater. The difference is the speed with which a gas water heater can turn fresh cold water into piping hot water.

Even better, a gas water heater has the ability to work even when the power goes out. In other words, you don’t have to sacrifice hot showers when you’re dealing with a blackout.

Pay now, save later

It should be noted that the initial installation costs of a gas water heater are more considerable than the alternative. A big reason for this cost is the need for proper ventilation for the natural gas burner that powers your heater.

Once your new system is installed, however, you can expect your month-over-month costs to drop dramatically. The result is that your gas water heater can end up paying for itself in the long run.

Keep your heater in tip-top shape

When it comes to repairing and maintaining gas water heaters in Fair Oaks, CA and the greater Sacramento area, come to Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service. Our family owned and operated HVAC repair company has proudly served our neighbors and clients since 1989.

For repair, maintenance and installation of furnaces, water heaters and air conditioning units of every kind, you can count on Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service. Give us a call today.

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