Is Your Air Conditioning Spreading COVID-19?

April 28, 2021 7:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Even though there are vaccines available and many Americans are eagerly lining up to get them, there is still concern about spreading the COVID-19 virus, especially with the uncertainty surrounding newly discovered variants. As the weather starts to heat up, you may have questions about air conditioning and COVID-19 in Fair Oaks, CA.

Scientists have discovered many things about COVID-19 since it shut down the world with a global pandemic in early 2020. For one, it has been discovered airborne transmission is a way the virus spreads. There have been limited studies so far, but indications are that circulated air from air conditioning may spread COVID-19 in limited ways.

One of the issues is the recirculated air that air conditioners sometimes use. While much of the cool air from an HVAC system comes from outside, during especially hot times, the system will also recycle the cooler air inside to ease the stress on the HVAC system. This means it’s is possible for virus particles to find their way into the air conditioner and be circulated throughout a space.

There are ways to help minimize the spread, however. Whether in an office, commercial or residential space, here are some suggestions to help minimize the effects of air conditioning spreading COVID-19 in Fair Oaks, CA.

Minimizing the spread of COVID-19

Experts suggest that while indoors, one of the best things we can do to help combat the possibility of contracting COVID-19 is to make sure there is plenty of fresh airflow coming in from the outside. This means opening windows whenever possible to create a good flow of air through the space. One open window is good, and two or more is best.

This solution isn’t always possible in larger commercial buildings, however. It’s also impractical when it gets very hot outside and you still need to keep the house cool enough to be comfortable. Fortunately, there are solutions you can employ in these situations.

For example, there are wall- and ceiling-mounted devices that emit short-range UV radiation that can kill airborne viruses. This type of radiation does not harm humans or damage our skin. These devices are sometimes called upper-room germicidal systems, and have been used to control the spread of other diseases in the past, including tuberculosis.

Another way to minimize the spread of COVID-19 through air conditioners is by investing in an air purifier. This requires a bit of research, but it should be fairly easy these days to determine if an air purifier will be effective, as many products will prominently advertise this feature. One tip to remember is that ionizing cleaners will not be effective for this.

When you need any air conditioning services in your home or business, contact Cassel Air Conditioning and Heating Service. With 30 years of experience serving the Fair Oaks, CA community, we have the experience you need to get the job done right. Reach out to us today to learn more or schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you!

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